Katya Quea KaQuELish777ktquzzz+++__cat/.ek

The Gardener Will Soon Replant The Garden

Installation first shown at the exhibition ‘Exhausting Beauty’ curated by Olga Appel @soytisuma in @do.art.hub in Frankfurt

The Mirror Flower Society has different opinions about the policy of general intoxication that comes from the dictatorship of belladonna. The opposition in the role of Datura flower does not find much support. Many of the flowers feel that society is degrading, culture is rotting. Some are optimistic about the future and believe that the gardener will soon plant new and better flowers in this land.
The Flower Society in anticipation of the coming of the Gardener as the messiah.

We do know, however, that hippie gardeners were hanged for their flower-power ideas. Will there be a new gardener to rid the flower society of the delirium?

Statements of the mirror flowers:

Come, sniff, all who fear, find solace in delirium
(See Matthew 11.28)

Long live blooming Belladonna!

We are for Datura!

We love poop fertilizer

Frantic desire to rave

Get stronger, eclipse of reason!

You guys make me sad

I smell agony
Is it time to collapse?

Flower beauty has lost power


Do you smell decay?

Ugly fade

Intoxication with delusions

It stinks of rot

It’s only temporary

It will be replaced by something better

Waiting for a Renaissance

Second presentation at Studio Hanniball